Access to thousands of movies and TV shows
Stream in stunning 4K HDR quality
Stream on any device, anytime
99.9% uptime guarantee
Download our app and enjoy your favorite content on the go. Available for iOS and Android.
"Amazing streaming quality and a vast collection of movies. Best decision ever!"
"The 4K quality is outstanding. My family loves the diverse content selection."
"Reliable service with great customer support. Highly recommended!"
You can watch on any device that supports the Emby app, including smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, and web browsers.
Depending on your plan, you can stream on 2-6 devices simultaneously. Check our pricing plans for more details.
We offer a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and anime. Our content is regularly updated with new releases.
Yes, with our mobile app you can download content for offline viewing on your mobile devices.